As part of their expansion and development, SiteZone Safety launches a new part of their business, SiteZone Productivity, supplying cross sector clients with health & safety related products. They are pleased to announce VEI Onboard Weighing Solutions as the first collaborator in this venture. A new branch of the SiteZone family has launched called SiteZone Productivity. Inspired by the safety brand and ethos of SiteZone Safety, the ‘Productivity’ business will extend its remit from proximity warning systems, to providing other products that make working safer and more efficient in the UK. Gary Escott, co-founder and Director of SiteZone Safety says: “While SiteZone Productivity is a bit of a departure from our core proximity warning systems business, we intend where possible, to carry the safety banner proudly with our new brand. We will start our new venture by supplying VEI Onboard Weighing Solutions to the UK market. We have enjoyed a long-standing business relationship with VEI and this is a positive step forward.” Because SiteZone Safety has a strong customer base upon which to build, the team has high hopes for the development of SiteZone Productivity, as existing clients have interests in common with the new brand. Gary Escott highlights that the partnership with VEI has environmental safety implications for UK users of the weighing systems. For example, during the weighing process, if a plant or transport vehicle is found to be under-loaded at a site exit, it must return to the site and load to the correct weight before it can leave. This means that it adds to the site traffic, interrupts its flow and there are too many vehicles driving around, in proximity to pedestrian workers. The aim is to reduce the amount of vehicle movement on site and also reduce the risk of someone being hit. Therefore, having an accurate onboard weighing system can streamline the efficiency of that process, reduce vehicle movement, time, money and collision risk. Conversely, if the vehicle is overloaded, and it goes on the public highway with too big a cargo, that produces a hazard, should some of it fall off onto the highway. Accurate weighing while loading eliminates that risk. SiteZone is offering the following products from the VEI range: