For years SAP customers have relied on Pick by Voice Suite topSPEECH-Lydia from top-VOX where warehouse picking is concerned. Here the SAP ERP software and the voice controlled logistics solution form a powerful alliance. Hot off the press the news arrives that the topSpeech-Lydia Connector 6.0 interface has been awarded the SAP software certification: "SAP Certified - Integration with SAP NetWeaver". With it SAP confirms the seamless integration of "Lydia" realized through ABAP into the SAP NETWeaver Server and the Internet Transaction Server (ITS).
Through the use of topSPEECH-Lydia Connector 6.0, companies benefit from a notable increase in SAP warehouse management systems' storage efficiency and likewise from a reduction in paperwork, streamlined workflow and an efficient and at the same time convenient data collection. They can now significantly expedite the processing of orders from their customers. All in all, speech-based picking proves to be a performance boost for supply chain management.
Easy Integration
The Voice Suite from top-VOX integrates itself seamlessly and without any middleware into ERP software. It communicates by way of the currently certified topSPEECH-Lydia Connector 6.0 directly with the SAP Internet Transaction Server and thus allows easy processing of SAP transactions by voice.