The Campaign for Real Recycling (C4RR) welcomed Wales's far-sighted and well researched new Strategy "Towards Zero Waste" launched by the First Minister, Carwyn Jones and the Environment Minister Jane Davidson in Bridgend today.
"At last a Strategy that deals with all waste and that puts quality of materials first", said Chris White from Paperchain, a leading member of the Campaign and a major industry buyer of recycled newsprint.
"I want to thank the minister publicly. Jane Davidson was the first government minister in the UK in my forty years with Aylesford Newsprint to show any interest in what we UK reprocessors needed " he added "She listened to our delegation carefully and instructed her team accordingly. This strategy is top quality from a reprocessor's point of view as a result - it certainly leads the way in the UK and I will send it to Caroline Spelman, Jane Davidson's opposite number at Westminster as a benchmark, to try and save English tax-payers a lot of money and heartache as DEFRA reviews the English Strategy. The supporting scientific evidence published on the Wales website is totally compelling and covers all aspects including the carbon footprint - climate change count so close to the Minister's interest and of course the Assembly's coalition document One-Planet living."
The Campaign now challenges Welsh Local Authorities to accept the evidence and deliver the strategy as advised.
"Local Authorities have hidden behind their sovereignty for far too long where recycling is concerned. The result is very confusing to the Welsh public - for every authority area to have a different recycling system cannot make sense " said Andy Moore, campaign coordinator. "This Strategy is an excellent guide and the Municipal Sector Plan -also launched today - gives all the detail needed. Wales's 70% target is assured if this guidance is followed - the key is public participation as always" he added. …. "and that means talking to the householders and meeting their new needs."
Both the Strategy and the Municipal Sector Plan was launched in Bridgend today and both ministers stressed the importance it had for unlocking a route to sustainability and One-Planet living. Plans for dealing with the other streams of waste will be unveiled in the coming months.