Anti-Sludging device Ecofuelkleanz proves its worth at sea

Europe's leading manufacturer of anti-siphon fuel devices, TruckProtect is hoping to dip its toes in the marine market with its successful fuel conditioning system EcoFuelKleanz.

Launched last year, the specialised magnetic device is designed to prevent the problem of fuel sludging in diesel engines and without the use of biocides.

Fuel sludging leads to blocked filters and injectors and, therefore, poorer engine efficiency and creates more noxious exhaust emissions; costly and dangerous engine breakdowns can occur.

Additionally, microbes which flourish within the sludge produce acidic excretions which can eat through stainless steel causing long term damage.

While it has proved highly successful in the trucking market, TruckProtect is now taking the EcoFuelKleanz back to its original roots in the marine market.

Customer Alan Pease found he was spared the dirty and time-consuming task of cleaning out the fuel tank of his motor launch this year after fitting an EcoFuelKleanz ( FMISO 08 (1/4")).

TruckProtect Chief Executive Russell Fowler said: "Anti-fuel sludging devices originated in the marine market, so we are delighted to win new customers who can be helped by the EcoFuelKleanz in keeping their boats ship-shape.

"EcoFuelKleanz is extremely versatile – it can be fitted to vans, cars, plant and machinery and even storage units as well as to trucks and boats. It is very effective on conventional diesel but extremely powerful for biofuels.

"With our hard-won reputation on the line, we would not be promoting the EcoFuelKleanz unless we were sure it could make a positive impact."

Costing approx £100 for a standard size unit, the EcoFuelKleanz can save operators time and money. It works in several ways; by using a strong but controlled magnetic device to squeeze water out of microbes which can flourish in diesel fuel tanks and which build up over time, blocking fuel lines, filter, pumps, injectors and engines The squeezed microbes are then small enough to pass completely through the filters, and end up being burned in the engine alongside the fuel; and by and by preventing heavy particles such as waxes, gums and varnishes clumping together to create blockages.

"With no opportunity for sludge to build up and no clogging of the fuel lines, filters or injectors, filter changes, servicing and breakdowns are reduced and the fuel system works more effectively" said Russell Fowler.

"I would urge anyone who is interested in the system to give it a try."