A decisive turning point in the transformation of urban and regional transport, the Renault Trucks plant in Blainville has been serial-producing medium-duty 100% electric trucks since 2020. Proof of the success of this carbon-free mobility offer, the plant has already produced 1,000 electric trucks of 16, 18 and 26 tonnes which are used throughout Europe.
In operation since 1956, the Renault Trucks plant in Blainville-sur-Orne (Calvados) specialises in the manufacturing of medium-duty vehicles and truck cabs. A pioneer in Europe, it has been sized to accommodate the manufacturing of electric trucks from 16 to 26 tonnes from March 2020. To ensure the production of battery-electric trucks, various modifications have been made within the Normandy industrial site, including a 1,800 sqm-building entirely dedicated to final assembly.
Ever since March 2020, the date of the start of serial production of Renault Trucks electric models, the demand for electric mobility has been growing. Thanks to excellent production flexibility with continuous adaptation of industrial tooling, the production capacity of electric trucks has continued to increase to meet growing demand. The plant is ready to meet the expected volume ramp-up as more and more customers choose to implement CO2-free transportation.
Today, half of the electric trucks sold in Europe are produced in the Renault Trucks plant in Blainville-sur-Orne.