Highlights from the Hall 6 “Research Lab” at CeBIT

Every second counts at a hospital's intensive care unit. Doctors and caregivers must reach the right decisions very quickly. Researchers from Fraunhofer HHI (Heinrich Hertz Institute) have developed a smart monitor that optimizes processes in sensitive hospital areas. The screen displays data from all connected medical devices in a simple overview, and can be operated without touch, using gestures and speech commands. This also lowers the risk of pathogen transmission.

Automated customer acquisition, logistics with a future, service platform for 3D printing and micro-jobs via smartphone app.

The scientists at the Hasso Plattner Institute have developed an automated software tool that connects sales staff with potential customers (Hall 6, Stand D18). The HPI system identifies potential business customers from their contributions to social networks or forums. The Social Media Suite independently searches for sales-relevant posts and matches them to potential interested parties and products. HPI is also showing a new solution for encrypting radio signals in the Internet of Things.

With the Flutaro cloud solution featured at the Berlin Brandenburg Innovation Market (Hall 6, Stand C26), Potsdam University has its sights set on automating logistics processes. When transport planning adapts easily and continuously to new circumstances, this reduces empty mileage, saves costs and conserves resources. The platform also enables networking of different logistics companies.

How to turn a file into a valuable 3D model in real time is the focus of TU Berlin and the company 3YOURMIND (Hall 6, Stand C26). Users load their 3D data to a platform where it is optimized for processing. At the same time, the system checks the prices of various printers in the Internet, so that the user can select the least expensive offer. Another cutting-edge project was a collaboration with Innovation Laboratories telecom company: Crowdee is intended to satisfy the growing demand from product developers and marketing strategists for rapid customer feedback. This platform assigns micro-jobs, surveys and user tests on behalf of companies and analyzes the results with Big Data technologies.

Telematics for eMobility, protective helmet with data glasses, virtual reality exploration and the future of mobile communication.

Scientific institutes from Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thüringen are presenting jointly at the fair under the slogan “Research for the Future” (Hall 6, Stand B24/A17). Friedrich Schiller University Jena has developed a concept for utility traffic with electric vehicles, for example. This eTelematics solution comprises communication hardware that delivers vehicle-specific operating data, a mobile application that informs the driver of pending tasks, and a system unit that logs operating data, defines processes and prepares range forecasts. The university also offers the possibility of participating first-hand in an emergency rescue via 3D glasses, or moving through a city in a real, electric MultiCar using 3D projection.

A protective helmet with integrated data glasses is being presented by the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau. The prototype developed in collaboration with the company GESIS is meant to help establish innovative technologies in the steel industry. The augmented reality technology makes it possible to display valuable additional information in the employee's field of view, or warn them of dangers.

The Leipzig University of Applied Sciences wants to let people explore products and visions with a virtual reality experience (VRX). The software enables realistic representation of architectures and products in real time. Users can dive into the virtual environment and experience its content hands-on.

A rare glimpse of the fifth mobile telephony generation (5G), which should be introduced in 2020, is being offered by TU Dresden. This is connected to the introduction of the tactile Internet, with lag times in the milliseconds and drastically increased data flow rates that enable entirely new applications – such as for connected cars. A comprehensive view of the upcoming mobile telephony standard is the 5G Lab Germany concept, supported by among others by Deutsche Telekom, Ericsson, National Instruments, NEC, Nokia, Rohde & Schwarz and Vodafone.

Safety kit for blood donation centers, connecting with next-gen engineers and a belt that warns against excessive spending.

The BioShare donor kit from Twinsoft is celebrating its world premiere at CeBIT (6/C30). This software should make the work of blood and plasma donation centers easier and safer. The concept's advantages include, in addition to paperless registration and simple reporting, the safest possible donation process, because the program runs on mobile devices with hand vein recognition so that every donor is uniquely identifiable.

It is common knowledge that the IT sector is always on the lookout for fresh talent. What is new is the range of events being presented by VDI in its Jet Café (Hall 6, Stand A52), to get young people interested in technical careers. Here, Lower Saxony students can connect with university students and IT professionals. The young people can produce reports on current topics at CeBIT, for broadcast on Leinehertz 106.5 or Bürgersender h1 radio (project partners: Multimedia vocational schools, Hannover). They also discover how to develop a 3D printer and what can be made with it (project partners: VDI Zukunftspiloten, KGS Barsinghausen; Institute for Multiphase Processes, Leibniz University Hannover).

Finally, the Engineering Sciences and Informatics Faculty of the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences is featuring an interesting exhibit in the field of wearables: The POB smart belt buckle gives the wearer palpable feedback at each purchase with a credit card or smartphone. When an amount is about to be charged that exceeds one’s previously defined budget, the belt noticeably tightens up a notch.